First Maryland Protest Draws Public Support

February 15, 2009
Protest banner (click to enlarge)

Protest banner (click to enlarge) held its first protest in Chevy Chase, Maryland today. The event drew the interest of the NBC 4 television news which sent over a crew to film the event and interview participants. Those interviews were constantly interrupted by horns honking in agreement with signs that read “No Speed Cameras,” “Greed Cameras” and “Save Liberty, Stop the Scam.”

WRC interviews participants

WRC interviews participants

The goal was to raise awareness in the area and to show that we’re serious about exposing the lies. Contact us if you want to join in our next protest. Even if you can’t make it, the most important thing you can do is spread the word about the site.

Lawmakers really need to take note of the intense public sentiment — as demonstrated by the loud and constant honks — and realize that the cameras must come down.

Bruno delivers a message to the speed camera pole

Bruno about to deliver a message to the speed camera pole